A Guide to Workers Comp Audits

Workers Comp audits can be Confusing, Time Consuming, and a Distraction from running your business.

Why do you have to complete the audit anyway?

How can you avoid the time suck of workers comp audits while remaining compliant with your insurance policies?

Your Solution to General Liability and Workers Comp Audits Can Be Found Here

Why do I have to complete a Workers Comp Audit?

A Workers Comp audit is required because your premium is based on your actual payroll.  What you paid during the policy term was based on an estimated payroll, which means that the insurance company will want to make sure they are collecting the right amount of premium.  An audit can result in a decrease in premium as well as an increase.

For a more detailed explanation, please review the following video:

YouTube video

What information do I need to complete a Workers Comp Audit?

Click Here to Download your free Payroll Audit Guide

This video references the audit guide in detail.  If you need a pre-formatted spreadsheet to help you track your payroll audit information, please email contact@stillwellriskpartners.com with the subject line “Audit Spreadsheet.”

YouTube video

What’s so awful about the Audit anyway?

If you dread the annual Workers Comp audit, here’s a short story about how one business owners learned to get his time back:

YouTube video

Workers Comp Audit Time Saving Strategies for Subcontractor Management

If you use subcontractors in your business, the Workers Comp audit can be a task that takes you days or even weeks.  The programs we help our clients build give them their valuable time back.

YouTube video

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