Case Study: Successful Families

Protect the Success You’ve Earned

Have you achieved many of your goals in life?  Have you found true financial freedom?

The assets you’ve fought long and hard to earn need the right protection to ensure your family’s way of life.

Insurance is not one-size-fits-all and this is especially true in your case. Many insurance agencies lack the expertise, experience, and resources to truly provide the level of support you need. You need a specialist to help manage the risks involved with financial freedom.

Case Study: The Smith’s

John & Michelle Smith have two kids, Dylan & Nicole, both of whom are away at college. They own a home valued at $1,500,000, a vacation home on the beach worth $2,000,000, a boat worth $500,000 and a couple of nice cars bought for close to $90,000 each. Both John & Michelle have been successful in their careers and combined, earn around $600,000 a year. Their accountant tells them they’re net worth is about $12,000,000.

When they first got married, John & Michelle got their insurance through a company that was fine at the time – let’s call them State Agriculture Insurance Company. The coverage was inexpensive and as they progressed through their careers, they just never had the time to “shop it around.” The didn’t feel the need to either – the premiums were easy to handle with their growing income.

One night, a windstorm came through and tore off a portion of their roof.  During the claims process, they found that their home was significantly under-insured and the insurance carrier would only pay about 50% of the covered claim to the house.  More than that, rain destroyed a closet full of expensive clothing that the insurance policy valued at pennies on the dollar for what they spent.

The final claim payout was about $50,000 short of what it would cost to replace everything lost.  While they were able to absorb the financial loss, they decided to look at other options to make sure they’d be protected in the future.  Their financial advisor recommended them to an agent who could provide the level of advice and service John & Michelle now knew they needed.

The new agent first talked to John & Michelle about their family, jobs, income, lifestyle, and overall net worth. By understanding John & Michelle’s world, their new agent found a carrier that would provide the high coverage limits needed with a concierge level claims service.  Additionally, the new agent found that a significant amount of John & Michelle’s net worth would have been exposed in the event of a lawsuit and provided them with a $20,000,000 Umbrella Liability policy.

A year later, Dylan got into a bad car accident.  The other driver was severely injured and suffered a permanent disability. While Dylan did nothing wrong or illegal, it was clear that Dylan was at-fault and the Smith’s were going to be financially liable for the damages. The claim was settled out of court for $7,500,000, a loss that was fully covered by the new insurance carrier.

Why Stillwell Risk Partners?

We understand that insurance isn’t one size fits all. The unique risks you face in your world need a specialized level of care. Our goal at Stillwell Risk Partners is to be a part of your Trusted Advisor Team.


The service we provide to our clients involves regular updates and reviews, risk management and mitigation recommendations, insurance market analysis and planning, claims advocacy and support, coordination with your other trusted advisors as well as proactive maintenance and advice.

Our systems are built to serve the needs of those who have require a higher level of expertise and service.

Insurance on Your Terms

We’re here to consult with you and your team, both in person and virtually.  We have fully digital tools to help you manage insurance on your terms.

Here are your options to get started:

  1. Email us at
  2. Submit a request through our website here.
  3. Schedule a call or virtual meeting here.
  4. Ready for your Executive Briefing? Book an Appointment with us here:

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